College Scholarship Students Recognized at Branch Event

From left to right: Juanita Cullen, liaison to Trinity Washingon Unversity; Anita Booth, branch co-president; Eva Salmeron, Marymount University; Saba Hashemi, Marymount University; Shandale Scott, Trinity Washington University; Katherine Healy, Trinity Washington University; and Sue Christie, branch co-president.
Five college students who are the recipients of college scholarships funded by the AAUW McLean Area Branch were recognized at the September 18, 2022, Branch event held at the McLean Community Center. Eva Salmeron and Saba Hashemi, students at Marymount University, were introduced by Juanita Cullen, branch liaison to Marymount, while Shandale Scott and Katherine Healy, students at Trinity Washington University, were introduced by co-president Sue Christie.
All the students present spoke about their studies and how much the scholarships have meant to them. Isis Jordan, a college scholarship recipient from Bennett College, could not attend in person, but sent a statement read by Janet Taylor, branch liaison to Bennett.
Bennett College Added To Scholarship Recipients
The Branch currently awards scholarships at Marymount University and Trinity of Washington University and wanted to continue offering a third scholarship. Since we could not identify another local institution that would award scholarships directed to women, we pursued an all-women’s college primarily serving women of color and/or financially disadvantaged students as meeting a central DE&I objective for the Branch.
There are no HBCU (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) women’s colleges in Virginia, so Bennett College in Greensboro, NC, became our candidate. The board coordinated with the local AAUW Branch and then voted to change our policies. The change was needed to allow us to award a scholarship outside the DC metropolitan area and to fund the $6,000 scholarship this year from our Vanguard reserves. We are so pleased to recognize Bennett College as an institution dedicated to offering educational opportunities to young women striving for a better start in life.
Branch’s Philanthropic Activities
- More than $680,000 has been contributed to national’s AAUW Funds.
- The branch has endowed an American Fellowship at $75,000; an International Fellowship at $100,000; and two Research & Projects Grants at $35,000 each.
- Over our 50 years of fundraising, we have raised over $190,000 supporting scholarships for women returning to college at local universities, as well as funding fellowships and research grants.
- In 2021, the branch distributed over $25,000 for scholarships and awards, including two $6,000 scholarships to women from Marymount University and Trinity of Washington University.
- In 2021, the branch donated $10,000 to the AAUW Greatest Needs Fund in honor of AAUW’s 140th Anniversary.
AAUW meets the highest standards of accountability, program, and cost effectiveness, and has received the Seal of Excellence from Independent Charities of America.